Aura Minerals Inc.


$22.9 CAD

$1.06 (4.85%)

Average Volume
Market Capitalization
P/E Ratio
Dividend Yield
Price Target
Year High
Year Low
Payout Ratio
Current Ratio

Industry, Sector & symbol

Stock Exchange Toronto Stock Exchange
CEO Mr. Rodrigo Cardoso Barbosa
Industry Gold
Sector Basic Materials
Current Symbol ORA.TO
CUSIP G06973112
CIK None
Phone 305 239 9499
Currency CAD
Employees 1337
Country US


Debt-to-Equity Ratio 1.73
Payout Ratio -1.40
Current Ratio 1.55
Quick Ratio 1.32
Cash Ratio 1.08

Sales & Book Value

Annual Sales $594.16M
Price / Sales 1.98
Cash Flow 0.17
Price / Cash Flow 98.09
Price / Book 5.21

Price Target and Rating

Average Stock Price Forecast $
High Stock Price Forecast $
Low Stock Price Forecast $
Forecast Upside/Downside %
Consensus Rating Sell
Rating Score(0-5) 2
Research Coverage 0 Analysts


EPS (Most Recent Fiscal Year) $-0.42
Trailing P/E Ratio -38.28
PEG Ratio -0.91
P/E Growth -0.91
Net Income $-30.27M
Net Margin -5.11%
Pretax Margin 8.83%
Return on Equity -12.06%
Return on Assets -2.81%

Financials Score

AltmanZ Score 1.71
Piotroski Score 4.00
Working Capital 138.03M
Total Assets 1.08B
Ebit 147.09M
Market Cap 1.6B
Total Liabilities 857.31M

Poll Results

About Aura Minerals Inc. (TSX:ORA.TO) Stock

Aura Minerals Inc., a gold and copper production company, focuses on the development and operation of gold and base metal projects in the Americas. The company's producing assets include the San Andres gold mine in Honduras; the Ernesto/Pau-a-Pique gold mine in Brazil; and the Aranzazu copper mine located in Mexico. It also holds interests in Sao Francisco gold mine, Almas gold project, and Matupá gold project in Brazil, as well as the Tolda Fria gold project in Colombia and the Gold Road Mine located in Arizona. The company was formerly known as Aura Gold Inc. and changed its name to Aura Minerals Inc. in July 2007. Aura Minerals Inc. is headquartered in Miami, Florida. Aura Minerals Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Northwestern Enterprises Ltd. ...

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current Aura Minerals Inc. (ORA.TO) stock price?

Aura Minerals Inc.(TSX:ORA.TO) stock price is $22.9 in the last trading session. During the trading session, ORA.TO stock reached the peak price of $23.08 while $9.15 was the lowest point it dropped to. The percentage change in ORA.TO stock occurred in the recent session was 4.85% while the dollar amount for the price change in ORA.TO stock was $1.06.

ORA.TO's industry and sector of operation?

The TSX listed ORA.TO is part of Gold industry that operates in the broader Basic Materials sector.

Who are the executives of ORA.TO?

Mr. Rodrigo Cardoso Barbosa | Chief Executive Officer & President
Mr. Joao Kleber Cardoso | Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Ludovico Costa | Special Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Glauber Rosa-Luvizotto | Chief Operating Officer
Mr. John Stalker B.Sc. | Consultant

How many employees does ORA.TO have?

Number of ORA.TO employees currently stands at 1337. ORA.TO operates from 78 SW 7th Street, Miami, FL 33130, US.

Link for ORA.TO official website?

Official Website of ORA.TO is:

How do I contact ORA.TO?

ORA.TO could be contacted at phone #305 239 9499 and can also be accessed through its website. ORA.TO operates from 78 SW 7th Street, Miami, FL 33130, US.

How many shares of ORA.TO are traded daily?

The average number of ORA.TO shares traded daily for last 3 months was 43.01K.

What is the market cap of ORA.TO currently?

The market value of ORA.TO currently stands at $1.68B with its latest stock price at $22.9